I just checked out the rankings for Cat. 1 riders in USA Cycling.
(Click Go!)
Turns out I'm ranked # 1 :)
Oh what a night
I don't have any pics to share but I do have a story.
Lately at work we have been super busy not leaving me much time to get my rides in. I have been managing with trainer rides and riding the parkway across the street from my house but decided to do something different last night.
With my first Ice Man coming up and me racing in the Pro Field I don't want to start slacking just yet. By this time last year I was already turning into a blob and was barely riding over an hour. Not this year, motivation is flowing through me.
Unable to make the Wednesday night Ronsta ride almost had me beat, but I was determined to get some good quality riding in. So I strapped on lights and headed out the door. Not sure totally what I was going to do I headed west to a familiar hill for some repeats. As the sun set over the beautiful land of Waukesha county I was treated to a spectacular view every time I would crest the hill. It made it worth going back up every time.
By now it was almost dark and I was only an hour into my ride. Luckily there is this little gravel path called the bugline that goes all the way out to Merton. Destination established. I didn't care how long it took me I was going there. As I head down the trail my light shows me this almost picturesque tunnel which gave me an undefined end to my ride. I got into a rhythm and all I could think about was how great things were. The temp was perfect, I was riding, and things were just right. This time alone was just what I needed. It helped me reflect on the past, think about the future, and get ready for what is right ahead of me.
Oh what a night
Lately at work we have been super busy not leaving me much time to get my rides in. I have been managing with trainer rides and riding the parkway across the street from my house but decided to do something different last night.
With my first Ice Man coming up and me racing in the Pro Field I don't want to start slacking just yet. By this time last year I was already turning into a blob and was barely riding over an hour. Not this year, motivation is flowing through me.
Unable to make the Wednesday night Ronsta ride almost had me beat, but I was determined to get some good quality riding in. So I strapped on lights and headed out the door. Not sure totally what I was going to do I headed west to a familiar hill for some repeats. As the sun set over the beautiful land of Waukesha county I was treated to a spectacular view every time I would crest the hill. It made it worth going back up every time.
By now it was almost dark and I was only an hour into my ride. Luckily there is this little gravel path called the bugline that goes all the way out to Merton. Destination established. I didn't care how long it took me I was going there. As I head down the trail my light shows me this almost picturesque tunnel which gave me an undefined end to my ride. I got into a rhythm and all I could think about was how great things were. The temp was perfect, I was riding, and things were just right. This time alone was just what I needed. It helped me reflect on the past, think about the future, and get ready for what is right ahead of me.
Oh what a night
Trying to figure out how I am going to put this.
Those seemed to be the only words I could make come out of my mouth at the time of my speech. The few words I did manage to get out pretty much summed things up for the 4 laps of gnar we called our "race".
The place was awesome, the people were great, and without cool events like this some people might forget why they mountain bike.
Thanks to the Curtes Bro's and all that helped with everything, these folks are class acts.
Check out all of the stuff I walked away with...My favorite besides the Jersey is the official autographed flyer.
Hurt Box!!!!
That is where I spent the later half of Sunday's race. But you know it was a good hurt. The kind that once it is over and the dust settles things are going to be all smiles.

Lesson for the day; Pick a good team because some time you might have to depend on your temmates.
I will go into story time now and let everyone in on how things actually went on Sunday.
Friday night was chill as usual. Saturday was a bit of the same with the exception of getting my bike 100% for Sunday. I seem to be hard on wheels and didn't want to overload Russell after WORS 11 so I put my rear wheel under the scope and got to work. Now I am not much of a mechanic so after about an hour I had it strait and what seemed to be the appropriate tension on the spokes. Nice! The rest was pretty easy and before I know it I was on my way to Sheboygan to meet the 212 crew.
Pre ride went good and the course seemed to be in great shape. My legs felt good and after opening up all systems were a go. Back home to eat some supsup then hit the sack.
I was ready. Standard routine then off to the races. I felt good and was getting excited for the WORS finale. This year has been phenomenal for me and with all of the support I get from everyone I didn't want to let my "fans" down. I warm up and head to the line but just before callups Claire comes up with the Hero Cam. I was suppose to hook up with her earlier but couldn't find her and she couldn't find me. Anyway, Standing at the front of the starting shoot she rushes to put the cam on as she apologizes for the missed connections. I felt bad and assured her that I wasn't worried about it and that things were all good.
Go time and off we went! Damn my foot un clipped. Back in and I hammered my way back into position. It was right then I noticed my bike wasn't shifting right. I tried to shake it off but by the time we hit the first section of single track it was in full buck mode. I had 2 and 1/2 gears. I say1/2 cause if I held the shifter in it would stay up one more gear. By now I was sitting 5th wheel behind Mike. He slipped by Nate and a little later I got by as well with my focus on keeping in contact with the group. I still felt good but not being able to shift was getting the best of me. By the time we hit the equalizer I lost contact. I had to run that darn hill the first time around and I wasn't happy!!

I put it in full chase mode diggin as deep as I could. I felt like I was closing the gap but in all reality I think it was opening up more. Time to restrategize as I thought to myself "if I don't chill I am going to blow up bad", so that is what I did. Too late! The bike still wasn't cooperating and I was hurting. To top things off I was getting caught from behind. Once I saw it was Chris catching me I didn't feel too bad but still didn't really let off the gas too much. One more lap down and he was breathing down my back so it was time to just let up so he could catch me.

I put it in full chase mode diggin as deep as I could. I felt like I was closing the gap but in all reality I think it was opening up more. Time to restrategize as I thought to myself "if I don't chill I am going to blow up bad", so that is what I did. Too late! The bike still wasn't cooperating and I was hurting. To top things off I was getting caught from behind. Once I saw it was Chris catching me I didn't feel too bad but still didn't really let off the gas too much. One more lap down and he was breathing down my back so it was time to just let up so he could catch me.

Now in tandem Chris took total charge of keeping me motivated to push me to the finish. About this time I regained my shifting ability but I am still not totally sure why it wouldn't shift. A little while later I caught myself laughing and thinking "not to many people get there own personal coach during a race". I didn't have to do anything except turn the peddles and that was hard enough. With Chris counting down the finish finally came and I couldn't be happier. Ouch that hurt but I couldn't think of another way to spend my race day. THANKS CHRIS!!!!!!!
Lesson for the day; Pick a good team because some time you might have to depend on your temmates.
Oh Yeah!
The title could pretty much sum up the past weekend. For kicks and grins I will go into details.
It started out with a nice trip to the north woods to attend the newly organized Wors #11. I wasn't expecting much from the trails as the race seemed to be thrown together. Much to my surprise the course was rippin awesome with the exception of a few large puddles. After an hour of preride and trash talk amongst Chris p. and I we were ready for some supper and some rest.
The next day it was rise and shine and getting stuff ready. For some reason I was actually on ahead of schedule. Nice! Lynn and I hit the Continental and then she did her homework while I finished getting ready. After that I headed over to catch some breakfast with the 212crew. Then off to the course.
No nerves, no worries, for some reason I was totally relaxed and ready. We warmed up as a team and every person we went past seemed to be jealous of our "212 train". We were thrilled to be in company with each other and we looked good doing it too.
To the start line for call ups and then off we went. I had a good start and was up there with the boys. Hitting the climb at full velocity was good and by the time we got to the top I was sitting 3rd wheel. I felt good and was happy with my position so I just sat in and waited. Much to my surprise Mike was in charge and drilling it at the front. Now, I am not surprised at his fitness but more so that he hadn't prerode the day before and was able to tear it up. That man is an animal!!!!
I sat on Cole the whole first lap not knowing he was messing with me the whole time. He would pop off Mike and then pull back making me work harder, I guess he could see I was on the bubble and wanted to get rid of me. Tristan came up toward the end of the 1st just as I popped off so I waited for him to come up and let him pull me back. 2nd lap was much of the same and I wasn't smart enough to know what was happening so pop I went again.
Damage control time. The rest of the laps would've been so bad except for the fact that I couldn't keep the bike upright. I had already fallen once and now with the coarse changing every minute and I was going down everywhere. I guess it made me look cool in this pic.

Oh well. I had a good finish and spent the weekend with good people. 4th on the day and 1st in my age group.
I definitely need to give a HUGE thanks to all my supporters. My girlfriend Lynn who despite all her homework, work, and side activities has time to help me with my goals. That girl is a doll!!! Also the Peariso's have been super great and have helped me more than I probably deserve. Adventure 212 the all star team hookup for everything involved, Joe Ciesynski my stellar coach, and my big bro Craig who has been giving me the positive reinforcement I need. He is the one that got me started mountain biking and without him I probably wouldn't be here writing this post.
It started out with a nice trip to the north woods to attend the newly organized Wors #11. I wasn't expecting much from the trails as the race seemed to be thrown together. Much to my surprise the course was rippin awesome with the exception of a few large puddles. After an hour of preride and trash talk amongst Chris p. and I we were ready for some supper and some rest.
The next day it was rise and shine and getting stuff ready. For some reason I was actually on ahead of schedule. Nice! Lynn and I hit the Continental and then she did her homework while I finished getting ready. After that I headed over to catch some breakfast with the 212crew. Then off to the course.
No nerves, no worries, for some reason I was totally relaxed and ready. We warmed up as a team and every person we went past seemed to be jealous of our "212 train". We were thrilled to be in company with each other and we looked good doing it too.
To the start line for call ups and then off we went. I had a good start and was up there with the boys. Hitting the climb at full velocity was good and by the time we got to the top I was sitting 3rd wheel. I felt good and was happy with my position so I just sat in and waited. Much to my surprise Mike was in charge and drilling it at the front. Now, I am not surprised at his fitness but more so that he hadn't prerode the day before and was able to tear it up. That man is an animal!!!!
I sat on Cole the whole first lap not knowing he was messing with me the whole time. He would pop off Mike and then pull back making me work harder, I guess he could see I was on the bubble and wanted to get rid of me. Tristan came up toward the end of the 1st just as I popped off so I waited for him to come up and let him pull me back. 2nd lap was much of the same and I wasn't smart enough to know what was happening so pop I went again.
Damage control time. The rest of the laps would've been so bad except for the fact that I couldn't keep the bike upright. I had already fallen once and now with the coarse changing every minute and I was going down everywhere. I guess it made me look cool in this pic.

Oh well. I had a good finish and spent the weekend with good people. 4th on the day and 1st in my age group.
I definitely need to give a HUGE thanks to all my supporters. My girlfriend Lynn who despite all her homework, work, and side activities has time to help me with my goals. That girl is a doll!!! Also the Peariso's have been super great and have helped me more than I probably deserve. Adventure 212 the all star team hookup for everything involved, Joe Ciesynski my stellar coach, and my big bro Craig who has been giving me the positive reinforcement I need. He is the one that got me started mountain biking and without him I probably wouldn't be here writing this post.
Training Partners
With the changing seasons comes the change in motivation. Each year it seems to be getting pushed later into the season. I am not sure why but maybe I am getting better at controlling this overwhelming feeling of blah. Or, maybe it is the crowd I choose to hang out with and their ability to bring me back in my element.
I think this year it hit me last week as a strong surge of laziness and has since settled into a subtle feeling of "this isn't so bad". To get me through these bouts of whatever you want to call it I really call on other people and things for motivation, even if they don't know it.
Nate the past two Wednesdays, and the whole Waukesha crew lead by the one and only Ronsta have been great support. This is nothing new as I have ridden with these guys before but recently it has been so great to have their company. Last Saturday my dog Ginger took the reigns as she added a good 15lbs to my uphill intervals at Lapham. Sunday Mike P. brought me through the downtown and then northbound on a little adventure. Monday Ging took over again as I ran with her through the streets of Butler to get ready for cross. As recent as yesterday I was totally settled as I flowed through the single track across the road. It is perfect for a recovery ride and at times I forget I am in the middle of a metropolitan.

The point of the story today is that it is ok to rely on other people to get me through these "hard times". Ahhhhh I feel better already.
The point of the story today is that it is ok to rely on other people to get me through these "hard times". Ahhhhh I feel better already.
Thanks to all for helping me out.
Oh yeah, Jack, that chicken sandwich and beer hit the spot so thanks.
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